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Car barking

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Hello everyone! Im new to the boards and wanted to introduce myself and my sweet 16 week old Border Collie. My name is Kari and I live in Scottsdale, Arizona. I recently adopted my very first dog, a now 16 week old black and white Border Collie named Regal. I had always wanted a dog, and as soon as I graduated with a bachelors degree, leaving me with a lot of free time other than work (I was working full time as an underwriter while going full time to ASU) I began doing a lot of research and decided this would be the best fit for me. I am very active and wanted a dog that has a lot of energy and intelligence.




I have read many topics and posts on these boards and they have helped immensely. As this is my first dog, I have been all sorts of clueless. I want to give Regal the best possible life, and want an opinion from some of you members on here. How can I best correct car barking? I need to take Regal with me in the car several times a week and when there is traffic she seems to become very stressed out. Im not sure if she picks up on my stress or if she is afraid of all the close cars and the sudden stop and go. When there is no traffic she happily lays down and sleeps or chews on a Kong/bone, but when there is traffic she barks, growls with her ears back, shows her teeth and will not sit still. I have her harnessed on my front seat for her safety, as the back seat of my car is not an option; I drive a very small coup. How can I make these car rides less stressful for her? I do not raise my voice and I ignore her when she is barking, I have also tried giving her toys and treats to try and redirect her attention, while praising her for being quiet or laying down. Any help is greatly appreciated!

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Good on you for quickly recognising that Regal is having a fear reaction. She may well behave the same way if walking her along roads with traffic and try to chase the cars. I have had a dog like this. I took him to an area where there was a park along a busy road, everyday and twice a day when possible. Stop at a point where the dog is just noticing the traffic but not reacting. Do little obedience exercises (just sit & drop etc) and praise and reward highly. Each day move gradually closer to the traffic and go through the same routine, even sitting down and chilling out with her while she has a chew on something a little more substantial than treats i.e.; chicken neck etc. The idea is for her to come to understand that good things happen amongst traffic when she remains calm. Once she is comfortable near traffic while outside the car i.e.;(not trapped in a car and unable to move away from that which she fears) park your car on the roadside and go through the same process, rewarding her for remaining calm with passing traffic. Gradually move to busier roads and park not drive. When you feel she is ready start diving amongst traffic. If at all possible avoid taking her in the car until you have made progress because each time she stresses and barks in the car and gets away with it, the negative behaviour is being reinforced. There really isn't a lot you can do while you are driving and yes she absolutely will be sensing your concern for the situation and this tells her that there is indeed something to be concerned about. During the training process she may digress to old behaviour so when this happens do not react at all. Don't look at her, touch her or try to verbally comfort her because any of these things will reinforce her behaviour. Stay calm, blow it off and just take a step back in the process. You could also have a friend drive you around if possible so you can work with the dog. It will take time, patience and consistency but will be well worth the effort. My boy got over the general traffic firstly but would still react to loud bikes or big trucks but with time we got him over it all.

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