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Natural Cough Remedies?


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Hi boards :)


I have a problem with a coughing dog. My vet has examined Ghillie and assured me that it is neither kennel cough nor heartworm, and by process of elimination we figure that it is some sort of environmental allergy. Allergy to what, of course, is the pretty much unsolveable mystery...so we simply treat the symptoms with Benadryl when they become severe. Normally this is sufficient to curb the cough- and calm her down a bit, which is an added bonus. But I really do not relish the thought of feeding antihistamines to my dog 2-3 times a week for the next 10-12 years.


I've read anecdotal evidence that honey and coconut oil are quite effective at curbing a cough in dogs, but wanted to post that question here where I can get opinions I trust. I know about the myriad other health benefits of coconut oil, and if it is also useful as a cough suppressant then I would be overjoyed. Has anyone had any experience with using either honey or coconut oil in this manner? Thanks in advance for your advice!

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How much is she coughing? How old is she and when did she start coughing? Did the vet do X-Rays? Quinn has had a cough his entire life (started as kennel cough. Later tests showed allergic bronchitis) that comes and goes throughout the year, but is never so frequent that I feel he needs a suppressant. Sorry that I can't help with the question regarding honey or coconut oil.

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Avoiding it is the best option, and the hardest one. I find closed windows really help (for both me and the dog), but only if it's all the windows and for the full day- even one upstairs will set us off. You could try it and see if it's an indoor or outdoor allergy?


Antihistamines are a godsend. I understand that you might be worried about long-term effects but they are the only thing that will effectively treat the cause (the inflammation, and thus the discomfort that might come with the cough.) Honey is good, but it's a band-aid.

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