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Recon got hurt


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My mom and her friend were playing with the dogs yesterday morning around 8:30. Mom came in and woke me up, telling me that Recon had cut her foot and I needed to come down and take a look. They were just going to wrap it up, but the amount of blood I saw (they'd stopped it by then) was pretty ghastly and she was looking pretty pathetic. So I took a look...she let me poke it a good bit and I wanted to see just how deep it was so I pulled the skin a little...it was down to the bone. Luckily, our regular vet was open for emergencies yesterday so I took her in. After an hour in there with them they had her all fixed up...though it required several stitches and a huge dose of antibiotics. The bowl (no one has any idea how the dang bowl got out there, much less how it got broken) sliced all the way to the bone, and cut a blood vessel, too. It was pretty horrendous and I was having a mini panic attack, but the doc did a beautiful job making it better. I took the bandage off this evening because it seemed the leg was swelling a bit and I didn't want circulation cut off. Swelling is down now, but I'm having to keep her on the pain meds because she whimpers a great deal when it starts wearing off. And Recon isn't vocal at all, so I know she's hurting. She wasn't putting any weight on it at all this morning, but as of tonight she was trying to play with her toys again, so I guess she's feeling better.


My poor baby :rolleyes:


She was miserable in the e-collar so we tried a muzzle...



But she was miserable in that, too. She was trying to chew on it yesterday, but today she's mostly left it alone. She's licked it once or twice, but no chewing and no fretting with it. She is still definitely limping.


Here's the line of the cut - you can see that she cut the pad of her foot, too, but it wasn't bad enough for a stitch. The wound itself looks really really good. I was expecting it to look a lot worse with how bad it was. I'm impressed so far with how it's healing. I wonder, though, if I should leave it as it is, or wrap it again - although a bit looser this time. He did say that the bandage was mostly to keep the bleeding down while that blood vessel did its thing and told me I could take it off and leave it off as long as there was no bleeding. So I guess it's ok to leave it off? I am so not good at this.



I feel so bad for her.

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^^^ That's what I'd do, too. It looks good right now - no swelling, and the skin is in good shape (suggesting she's not licking too much). If she's leaving it alone and you can leave the wrap off indoors, that's for the best - wraps can be more annoying than the injury, and can create new injuries of not properly applied - but if the outdoors is muddy, wet, or dirty (WHAT?!?!? There's DIRT outside?!? Whose idea was THAT, I'd like to know?!) :D or there are grasses or weeds or shrubs that might poke or rub at it (HEY! There are WEEDS and stuff out there too? Now I'm getting mad! :rolleyes: ) :D:D then putting a wrap on to physically protect and keep the incision clean whilst outdoors isn't a bad idea.

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It looks like the cut is low enough that for outdoors protection from dirt, you might be able to use a baby sock plus tape. My favorite dog foot protection -- for some reason, Daisy, who on principle doesn't like any bandage, likes to wear baby sox!

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I love you people!!! Baby socks!! Freaking genius. We only have a bajillion of those things sitting around. I shall put one of those on her when she goes out, that'll be much nicer than wrapping it and unwrapping it.


It's still looking good and she's still not bothering it...so far so good.


Thanks folks!

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Ouch - poor Recon. But it sure looks like your vet did a great repair job.


Just a thougth - if it's damp out - you could use a small freezer bag or sandwich bag taped over the baby sock/s for outdoor excursions - to keep the moisture ouit too.


Give Recon a scritch all the way from the other side of the world!

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