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Need to blow off a little bit of ANGER

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What the blank is wrong with some people? Took Pegasus for a evening walk and about 2 miles into it a german shepard attacks us, it's dark and I have a walking stick/ cane with lights on it, the owner of the dog was standing maybe 40 to 50 ft. away in his drive way drinking a beer, I was lucky to be able to stay between the dog and Pegasus since this has happend 4 times this year Pegasus is getting better at not trying to pull off his leash. This person would not call off his dog untill I yelled that I will shoot your dog. I do carry a gun since this type of stuff has been happening a lot as of late but only will use it for the last resort. Ive gone to the police if they don't see it they can do nothing, I've gone to city officals over problems I've had since I got a pup an started walking him with no help one of them said he would not talk to me if i wanted to talk about dog parks or side walks. It's not the dogs fault and I know what animal controll will do since 2 pitbulls killed a hourse a short time ago.I know no one can answer what I'm asking just needed to blow off a little anger.

Tom and Pegasus

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Are there no leash laws in your area? If there are leash laws I would report the dog as well as the address where it belongs. Has it been the same dog all 4 times or different dogs? I would also use my walking stick to knock the heck out of the attacking dog at the very least. Would really like to use it to knock the heck out of the "owner" who is such an ignorant pet owner.

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It never ceases to amaze me how inconsiderate some people are with their dogs. They make no attempts to take responsibility for their actions, pickup after them, or anything.


I agree with WWBC, though it's not the dog's fault it doesn't know how to behave, a good WACK on the head might teach it to be more careful when approaching you. Then again, it might just give you an excuse to shoot it too...touchy situation for sure.


Since you've been calling the police so much, maybe you could convince them to accompany you on a walk to see it for themselves? Worth a shot. Some precincts have very little to do anyways.

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Hm, I might have to get a can of that DirectStop stuff myself, we've been having the same problem with a GSD/Chow mix down the road. He and Renegade have only been in one fight so far (I can sometimes scare him away by yelling and jumping), and I broke it up by beating on Hunter (the GSD/Chow) with the end of the leash (yes, "beating on", he's a big dog that is not well socialized in any aspect and could do some serious damage).


I've reported them to the local animal control numerous times for disobeying the leash law, but they said they have to actually see him running loose to take action. I've tried to videotape him off-leash going after dogs, bikers, everything short of cars, but I have terrible luck (he is off-leash when I don't have a camcorder handy). So, it would be worth a try to bring a cameracorder with you on your next walk, and tape the dog running loose (and the owner's inaction). Then you will have something solid to present to animal control, should the need arise.

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I live out in the country, and can't really walk my dogs along the roads here,because of all the farm dogs that come out and "greet" us on the road. This has been a constant problem since I moved to Missouri in the rural areas. I've lived different places and all were the same. I have often thought of using a can of something to carry with me. But I haven't followed through on it. It's discouraging when it's hard to leave your property because of dogs coming at you all the time :eek:

Andrea D.

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This isn't a suggestion that will help, but another view of the situation. If I were being attacked, particularly by a large dog such as a GSD, and the owner just stood there watching, my opinion would be that the dog was doing exactly what the owner WANTED. Not saying it's anything personally against you, but this might be one of those jerks (obviously a jerk) that gets his kicks out of seeing dog fights, thinks fighting proves he's got the toughest dog, or his way of training his dog to fight. Who knows - there are an awful lot of sick people out there. Would the attitudes of your local authorities change if the dog attacked you - when you weren't walking your dog - so that he's clearly attacking a person and not another dog? Just a thought of how to get their attention to the problem, but still doubtful. I know it's a pain, but especially if it's the same dog and jerk, I'd keep at everyone you can think of until they get sick enough to do something about it. At least they know there's a problem if something more serious does happen. Good luck - look on the bright side, maybe the guy will get drunk and drive into a tree or something.

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This is an ancient hatred on my part. I have a difficult time with blatant disrespect and reckless endangerment.


I can't walk Meg very far up our quarter mile driveway because JD the blind 12 year old Rottweiler at the top of the driveway is never on a leash. He chases my car to a point too and scares me half to death. I don't feel empowered to say anything because my husband has lived her for fifteen years, and the culture is 'set'. In some ways it good. Meg took one look at JD one day pulled the leash out of hubby's hand and ran as fast as she could home. So unless I have hubby with me, I drive up and then go walk.


In my former urban life, my ex husband used to carry around leash laws printed on large stickers and slapped them on leashless dogs if they harassed us on walks. I can't tell you how many times I walked on and left him behind in a heated debate with a smug self righteous dog owner. I'm just not that confrontational despite the impulse to slap them silly.


Water works as well as pepper spray they say, I'd reserve the pepper for the owners.

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Are there any dog parks in your area that you might be able to go to instead of walking along the sidewalk/road? I'm guessing that using pepper spray/etc might make it more liable for the dog to attack you than anything else (attacking out of hurt, fear, etc).


Sorry, you're having so much trouble - Meg's mum had some great ideas when confronting the owners. Since this is a problem on the owner's part and not the dog's (the dogs won't know any better unless the owner trains them) that might be your best bet to eliminating the problems!

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Just FYI, the product I mentioned above




is citronella-based, not pepper spray.


From the website:


When tested with trained attack dogs, this revolutionary citronella formula was found to be just as effective as 10% pepper spray, yet without harmful side effects. Unlike pepper spray, DirectStop? does not cause pain; therefore,it will not increase aggression and can be used indoors. In addition, it won't injure the user or onlookers if spray blows back.

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Try Halt. We still use it on the bike. It's a tandem. Chuck has all the controls. I stoke - and ride shotgun. I like to teach dogs that bikes bite. They stop chasing. And are lots less likely to be seen next ride lying dead on the verge.


Just be careful of the wind. In a tailwind, I'm more likely to get hit than the dog at whom I'm aiming. Guess it's easier at less than 15 mph.

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Originally posted by Alaska:

...citronella-based, not pepper spray...found to be just as effective as 10% pepper spray...it won't injure the user or onlookers if spray blows back.

This is real important for some folks - I used pepper spray just once and it seemed to have absolutely NO effect on the two dogs that were seriously fighting. But it sure had an effect on me, and I used it outdoors. Although I tried to remove it from the dogs by bathing, for a number of days, I would practically choke whenever the one dog was near me inside the house.
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We do have leash laws in the city of Port St. Lucie for dogs and cats both but I've only heard of them being enforced when a person has been attacked. It was the first time being attacked by this GSD but a couple of weeks ago it was by 2 what I think were healthy looking pitt bulls, that were running lose while the owner and a friend were gossiping. She did call them when she heard me yelling at them to stay back and they went to her but would they have if they had got to Pegasus. And in January while walking down the street I live on a guy was putting his motorcycle in the garage around 10pm a pitt came running after Pegasus, he got by me but Pegasus some how side stepped him while it was biteing at Pegasus's rear end. The owner got there before he tried it again. Also in January a neighbor was dog sitting for a friend and still is and while we were going by the house the 70 lb. or more sporting type dog got to Pegasus from behind by the time I pulled him off the guy dog sitting got to us and got a hold of the dog. All this in 2,006.

Being at night with no street lights with quater acre lots I did not get the street address of the were the GSD lives but when I do I;ll turn it in. I thought about pepper spary but was told a long time ago that it can hurt a dogs nose, keeping him from being able to smell if its true I don't want to use prepper spray.I will get the direct stop since its a citronella base..

Thats all for now I'll finish this later on today Its getten late.

Tom and Pegasus

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Sorry I was unable to finish the post last night. As for the camcorder I don't think I could handle a leash,stick,camcorder and attacking dog all at the same time. As for the thought did the guy do it on purpose, the more I think on it I think he could of because the GSD did'nt try very hard to get by me which I'm glad. Anybody that would do that just to see a GSD beat up on a BC half its size needs to be turned into food for a gator. Since that happened Pegasus's keeps looking behind him every 5 to 10 feet durring our walks after dark and has not wanted to go by that street even in the day time but I did today to see if I could get the address but no luck. And Nancy you said try (HALT) ? Maybe get a Rockweiler for a body guard for Pegasus, I'm kidding. Thanks for your replys and listening.

Tom and Pegasus

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Go to your feed store and get a Hot-Shot.

It's a long stick that delivers a shock.

It's used to move reluctant cattle and hogs

through shutes. That way you can defend your

dog (and yourself!) without damaging the other

dog. Maybe it will also make the dog think

about running up on other people's dogs too.

Too bad you can't shock the owner.

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I did that last month after droping my tasier next to the peppers after turning the water on, the man at the feed store told me all it would do is make a dog who's mind was set on attacking my dog want to do it even more so. But I did like the five foot in length.

Tom and Pegasus

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Yes Halt is the spray that mail carriers and meter readers use. We get ours at a bike shop.


I avoid real pepper spray because of the chance of a gust of wind getting it to a fellow cyclist. And some people (my son-in-law and his mother) are so allergic to the oil that it can be deadly. Of course, if it were the owner of that GSD....

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Direct Stop is a great product. Some boarding kennels, who have a similar set up like dog parks, use it. However, if you are an allergic person the spray residue can bring on an instant asthma attack. Perhaps in the dogs, also. The trainer at the kennel I worked at warned everyone who carried Direct Stop not to get too confident as it will not deter an extremely aggressive dog who has his mind made up to attack.


Good luck with your people problem!

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