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  1. It might be a good idea to bulk up his food until it passes. Wet dog food can help to bind to the pieces and help them pass smoothly.
  2. Thanks Laura I'll watch for you. I'm really looking forward to it. I've been waiting 6 months for approval from the State to open my business here and the standing joke is I'll get it today because I'm so looking forward to coming on Monday!
  3. On February 4th this is advertised at the Stock Show. I have googles and tried to do some searching but I can't find anything more about it. Anyone have suggestions or have any better luck at searching?
  4. I'll be watching! I live in Custer. I have a friend by Pringle who would allow us to use their sheep but would love to find someone help fix the things I've done wrong. Any suggestions?
  5. For the first time I will get to go the herding trials at the Stock Show. Was wondering if any of you would be there because it would fun to watch for you.
  6. I watched my folks' dogs awhile back. I noticed that when I fed Margo she would tip over her bowl and then go through the entire bowl of kibble piece by piece! I asked my Dad about it....he had tried giving her some vitamins. She didn't like them so he would break it up into little pieces into her food. He said you couldn't visually tell where it was...but she knew! So she doesn't "trust" him anymore! My Zak has always preferred to sleep in my closet. Zahra sleeps on her back and talks to us. It's almost like a yoddel. It's great fun to hear when we get up in the morning or come back home after being gone.
  7. He's cute! He looks fine boned. I like his little black back toe!
  8. My Zak was my first border collie...well actually Margo was mine first but they both had different ideas! My dad purchased Zak as a suprise replacement for my Mom's mini-weiner dog that had died. (Read as: my Dad wanted a border collie and past it off as a gift!) The puppy arrived while they were out of town. I kept him until they got back. I had been on a waiting list for Margo and went to see her the day she was born and then babysat her at 3 weeks and then brought her home a few weeks later. She was a single pup litter. Well Zak and I bonded like no other dog I've ever had before. He is attached to my side. He works for me like it's the greatest gift he can offer. Margo didn't mind me at all, didn't like to work livestock with me but was completely devoted to my Dad! When it got so bad that they would have to lock Zak up when I was leaving because he would 1) sit at my car wait for me and 2) get in my car and refuse to come out...we switched! He has been with me every since and he is my constant companion. Margo still lives with my parents and her and my Dad are best of friends. She loves to work with him! So basically he picked me. I know this is crazy but he's going to be 6 in March and I know he has lots of time left but I am already thinking about how I'll deal with it when he's gone. Yeah we've got a new puppy and I love her dearly but he's my dog. I will be lost without him!
  9. I have one of mine that is the same way! He has an awesome igloo dog house and a shed but he prefers to sleep at the edge of the deck...not even under it! He loves the snow and the cold. As he's getting older he is spending less and less time outside but it used to be hard to keep him in out of the cold! I have a picture of him I wish I could find where we scooped about a foot of snow off half the deck. Where did we find him....laying on the snow side just as happy as he can be! As far as the cow/horse thing we use Out. Basically it's a term of whatever you are currently doing, stop and go find a "safe" place. I think whatever you use consistancy will be key! I have to agree though that all of their favorite places to be is with the family.
  10. Oh my! Thoses are cute babies! And she looks very happy and proud!! They are look big and healthy and I love the shiny wave of puppy coats! Can't share too many pics I don't think!
  11. Oh the sleep deprivation has just begun! Can't wait to see pics!! You did good "Mom"!
  12. Bella-have you been reading Twilight? I bet you'll be suprised at how well they do! Zahra(the border collie pup) is pretty dominant but I have always kind of stepped in and put my foot down. The other thing I've done since day one is to teach "be gentle". If they are playing and Zahra gets a little rough now I just say "be gentle" and she backs off and regroups. She picked up on it pretty quickly which was good! Ahhh a new puppy! I so don't need one but boy are they fun! Enjoy! I also noticed that all of my pics are of my dogs sleeping! So much for hyper border collies!
  13. All 3 of our border collies love to ride in the car. They all "load up" and then crash. When traveling a good "rider" can't be beat!
  14. I have a border collie and a chihuahua too! They are very good friends. In fact Lola (the chihuahua) is the alpha dog at our house. We got a new puppy this fall and I wondered how it would be with the 2 girls but Lola has held her own!
  15. Cute puppy (and kid!) She does look a lot like her mama!
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