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Root Beer

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Everything posted by Root Beer

  1. At this point, my only plans for Bandit are CPE and NADAC. There is no table at all in NADAC, and in CPE it only shows up at the end of some of the games, and all the dog has to do is put one single foot on it. So, sending him to it to put four paws on it is perfectly fine. That's what Tessa does. I do like for my dog to get on it and "plant" there. I don't want to teach him to run across it. So, if "table" means - put four paws on and pause . . . that is perfect!! I think it will be fine, but if it isn't, I'll just have to give Bandit a new table cue. No big. P.S. He got his Training Level Title!! On to Novice!!
  2. I know. I am going to have to differentiate. I usually use my hand to indicate - high above him for the two on and more parallel to the surface for four. But I really do need to come up with something that means "Four paws on", and keep "Up up" for just two. I was thinking about calling anything I want him to put four paws on "Table".
  3. And now Bandit is caught up to my others!! His clips that I submitted for his Training Level title. Dean did earn his!!
  4. I don't think it matters! You are part of this board. Truth be told, I don't think Tessa is a Border Collie. I think she is an English Shepherd. But I talk about her here, same as my Border Collies. And I would LOVE more Freestyle talk here!!
  5. I would recommend: "The Power of Positive Dog Training" - Pat Miller "Beyond the Backyard" - Denise Fenzi And: "Plenty in Life is Free" - Kathy Sdao
  6. I am surprised that I have become quite taken with this activity!! With Tessa, it is just plain fun. She loves to use her body in different ways, and she loves to interact with "stuff". Out into the woods we went and we had a blast: For Bandit this is proving to be fantastic confidence building!! He got to work on a Bocce court!! I actually love the fact that we are not building behaviors that I intend to have on a certain type of cue in a ring setting. We can really focus on what the dog is actually doing. And I am getting out to different places with each dog individually, and that is always a good thing!!
  7. Sammie was never the same after we lost Speedy. I had always thought the two of them ignored each other completely, and I didn't realize how close they actually were until Speedy was gone. Sammie very clearly missed him and grieved. But then, after we lost Sammie, four months later, Tessa grieved very obviously. And it didn't help matters that I got a puppy within a couple of weeks after that. She needed me, and of course so much of my energy was taken up by the puppy. After Bandit had settled in, I realized how depressed Tessa had become. Actually, I thought she was sick, and I had a complete medical workup on her - which revealed absolutely nothing. That was when I realized that she was grieving so much for her boys. Then I started spending more time with her, and that helped. I also put her on a supplement called "Composure" and that seemed to help her a lot. It took about six months before she got back to herself again.
  8. I have to say, I am blessed with Tessa in that regard. The more nervous I am, the more she rises to the occasion and puts her best forward!!
  9. If people think that US competitors should have more fun with Agility, the only real game plan that is going to work is to lead by example.
  10. Well, we jumped in and gave it a try!! What a fun "retirement sport" for Dean Dog. I will definitely be doing this with Bandit and Tessa, as well. I think Tessa will just love every second of it, and it will be a great confidence builder for Bandit. As far as safety goes, well . . . see for yourself. This is the Training Level, but . . . everything is extremely safe. We have submitted for Dean's Training Level title and I will know in about a month if we got it!! This is fun - it's cool to go out to places and do stuff like this.
  11. Unfortunately, the only ones I know of that have any discussion going at all are on FB. It seems that, for the most part, most people have gone that way.
  12. We are enjoying Part 2 of the Distance class!! Bandit is coming along beautifully!!
  13. I'll admit, I kind of hanker after a field bred lab. But I don't think I have the physical energy to put in the what that would require in justice to the dog, so I'll stick with my nice, super easy to live with Border Collies.
  14. I finally came to the point where I realized that there is nothing I can do for Dean but let him ride it out, shake, drool, and go kind of catatonic. He took meds for years, but all they really did was give him the ability to bounce back after the storm was over. He retained that after I weaned him off the meds. I tried just about all of the usual things that are suggested (thundershirt, melatonin, DAP, etc). As far as desensitization goes, or "having a party" while it thunders, that was actually far more cruel than just letting him ride it out on his own. That boy would get a panicked look in his eyes, turn away, and drool more if you put a raw steak in his face during a storm. So, I make him comfortable and let him be, and once the storm is over, he's OK. Tessa is also afraid of storms, but she does not go into that kind of a truly phobic state. I can give her food, and the thundershirt helps her. I'd be willing to try that new drug with Dean if his vet would prescribe it. I'd have to make sure it wouldn't be a problem with the meds he takes for his hip, though.
  15. I don't hype my dogs up before running them in Agility. I warm them up (physically). I try to hone their focus in and I make sure we're connected, but I don't hype them. I want my dogs to put their hearts and minds into what we are doing in the ring together, but I don't want hype. And not all Frisbee events are super hyped. Maybe check for some smaller local events. You might find them to be lower key.
  16. On Saturday, Bandit did his first public Freestyle demo! This was actually rather unexpected. We were going to the demo, but I expected just to demo Agility (jumps and tunnels) and maybe some tricks. But the evening before I got an email asking for a Freestyle demo! Soooo . . . we did it. Because of that, this was not a choreographed routine, but improv. That would not have been my first choice, but I was competing with Tessa on Sunday and I simply could not stuff another routine into my head at that point. This is somewhat Agility-esque, but still Freestyle. I was THRILLED by two things. First, he loved every second of it. That boy adores working in front of an audience. Second, he stayed with me!!! There was no actual barrier between us and the audience - just a little rope!! Even with the toy in my hand, his engagement was a big success. The fact that he performed well (especially as improv, which is difficult), was icing on the cake!! He did even better in his non-competition performance at the Freestyle competition the next day, but alas . . . no video of that!! So, enjoy Saturday's fun!!
  17. I have found that people LOVE leg weaves. I know that isn't complex or particularly creative, but people tend to just LOVE it!!
  18. I don't see how it's narcissistic if it is the dog's chosen head carriage. Please . . . explain.
  19. Absolutely! No question about it!! And I'm not biased!! Not at all!!
  20. Yeah . . . it never did with Dean!! When I got Tessa and I saw her natural love for the sport, I finally understood that I was trying to shove triangle-Dean into a round hole!! And I stopped pretty soon after, and he was happier for it. I think for some dogs attitude can rub off. But sometimes, they just don't like something, no matter how excited we get. On the other hand, he ate up Rally even though I wasn't all that excited about getting into it with him. I did Rally for him, and he enjoyed that.
  21. I allow my dogs to choose their head position.
  22. It really does depend on the dog. I have one who really did not care for Agility. He ate up Rally, though - he would have adored Obedience training. Bandit, my youngest, seems to enjoy both Agility and Rally, but he seems to actually like Rally just a tick more!
  23. I don't know about this, but it is scientifically proven that merles have a goofy gene.
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