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Laura (Cady and Koda's mom)

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Everything posted by Laura (Cady and Koda's mom)

  1. I use sunblock on mine as well. On the black and white dog on her white nose, and on the red dog's nose as well. I have noticed that the red dog's skin turns bright pink when he gets hot while playing. His eyes look really red and his ears turn a bright pink, it's just his skin though, once he cools off it returns back to normal. I put suncreen on just in case and so I know he's protected, then I don't worry when he looks pink, other than cooling him down.
  2. I use sunblock on mine as well. On the black and white dog on her white nose, and on the red dog's nose as well. I have noticed that the red dog's skin turns bright pink when he gets hot while playing. His eyes look really red and his ears turn a bright pink, it's just his skin though, once he cools off it returns back to normal. I put suncreen on just in case and so I know he's protected, then I don't worry when he looks pink, other than cooling him down.
  3. I had the same today - Koda was neutered. My other BC Cady mourned his absence all day too. Hopefully you'll be home soon and so will Meg and all will be forgotten. Enjoy the beach while you're here, I live just down the road from Clearwater.
  4. Let animal control handle it. Hopefully he will be removed to a foster home and the little sibling also. In the event that he remains in the house I would put up a privacy fence with a LOCKED gate and only allow the dogs behind the fence when he is home. You don't want to jepordize your pups future by having them bite a child - even if it is the child's fault and well deserved. Maybe the children being raised in foster care can make an impact in the lives of these children, they're definitely not learning how to behave appropriately from their parents.
  5. So glad to hear Boy is home where he belongs! I hope now both of you can get some much deserved rest. He must be more comfortable just being home. I hope once the regular vets open you can get some answers. Keep up the good work and give Boy some good snuggles from us.
  6. Poor baby! Hang in there Michelle. I hope the neurologist can shed some light. How long ago was the tap again? Wondering if dogs get spinal headaches after spinal taps like people do.... Cuddles for him, and good vibes too....
  7. LOL! At our house, it's "don't torture your brother", "don't be so rough with the cat", "get off the coffee table", "stop fighting", "be quiet" - people on the phone think I do have kids!! I tell them I do, they just have fur.
  8. I like Reyna; but also, what about Raina? Lovely name whichever you choose...
  9. Congratulations!!! May you all have long happy times together. And I think she wriggled her way into your heart before you even saw her in person. :*)
  10. My BCs weigh 48 lbs (almost 3 yrs) and 42 lbs (7 mos) and play like this with one of my cats. I used to discourage it, but the cat always goes looking for more. They don't hurt her or bite down. They put her head in their mouths and make chewbacca type noises, wagging their tails all the while. The worst thing that happens to the cat is a head full of dog spit.
  11. How scary for you! Any type of trauma (bump, scratch, etc) to the eye can cause the pupil to react like that in people, so I would assume dogs too. It makes the eye sensitive to light usually which may have explained his urgency when you came home (ie something's different). Better to be safe than sorry though since he can't tell you himself. Kisses for the boy and keep us posted....
  12. So sorry to hear the bad news. Good thoughts coming your way. Glad your buddies are sticking close.
  13. Poor baby. Cady used to get car sick until she was 6-7 months old or so. Made her dread going in the car, but she got over that once the car sickness passed. We tried ginger snaps, ginger tea, not eating/drinking, etc. She would be so nauseated she'd drool and then throw that up. I learned to line the car with towels. Like Sam she was nauseated for even short times in the car- one day just sitting still in the driveway. Sometimes the A/C blowing directly in her face on high helped some. Another thing that also worked was over the counter dramamine - dosage provided by vet, can't remember what it was. It did make her a little sleepy so we only used it for long trips. We still went everywhere in the car, eventually she outgrew it and now loves riding in the car - with no nausea or vomiting. Hang in there.....
  14. Ordered one for Cady. So, I include her pedigree with the kit when I send it in? Do I need to try and get any information from her breeder re: specific behavior of parents and littermates? I don't know much other than that they work on a cattle ranch and what I noticed when I met them. What about friends dogs that aren't BCs? Would it help to have them too?
  15. Hurray!!!!! Big puppy kisses and hugs. Hope she is healing well.
  16. Been wondering and thinking of you all this weekend. Hope once the kidney comes out it will all be over and she can lead a long healthy life with you. We'll be praying for you on this end.
  17. Keeping really good wishes for you and Briar on Friday.
  18. I have a toothbrush that is 3 sided so that it goes over the teeth from the top. I just open Cady's mouth and go back and forth. Careful with your fingers in there, Cady has gotten me by mistake when she's trying to chew on the toothbrush.
  19. Hugs to you.... and Charlotte too.... I'm so sorry.
  20. Hope Tam is feeling better soon. Glad they found something fixable. In human medicine at least, the anastamosis is the term they use when connecting the remaining two ends of bowel together after taking a portion out. The taking a portion out is called a bowel resection. As long as they got down to healthy bowel it should heal right up. Poor guy. Hope you'll soon be breathing a big sigh of relief. Good thoughts coming from our end.....
  21. So sorry to hear about Tam. That must be horrible to watch and not be able to help. We'll be praying for him over this way.....
  22. I'm so sorry Buddy's time came, but he was so lucky to have you be there with him throughout it all.
  23. In my case I'm splitting 2 large dog advantages between my dog and 7 cats. It's the cats' doses that I'm more particular about since they are all under 20lbs each. Years ago when I had fewer numbers I drew up the cats' doses and put the remainder on my 100lb dog even though it was a smaller dose and we never had any fleas. My vet is the one that let me know it could be split. It also keeps in the refrigerator if you have left overs.
  24. I also routinely split large dog size advantage between my crew. I draw it up with a needleless syringe also for the correct dose based on weight. Does anyone know if K9 Advantix can be split up also? I know it can't be used on cats.
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