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    California's Shasta Valley

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  1. That should be very interesting! Thanks for keeping us in the loop, Lawgirl! Amy
  2. Triple is wonderful in the commercial! Thanks for sharing! Amy
  3. Merry Christmas! Peace and joy to all!
  4. But of course! Thanks for the link, Lawgirl!
  5. Thanks for sharing! Super interesting! Amy
  6. Cool. Hazel's 100% adorable, for sure! Amy
  7. A friend who's a veterinary technician certified in Fear Free techniques once told me about a way to help trim uncooperative dogs' nails, but I haven't tried it. It involves using a mesh screen with boxes large enough that the dog's nails fit through. The dog stands on the mesh and the person trims the nails from below. This avoids having to hold or restrain the paw which is often the thing the dog doesn't like, as mentioned above. I imagine a Dremel would work well with this if the dog will tolerate it, but regular clippers might work as well. My rescue border terrier X was initially very bitey about having his feet handled, but since he's only 18 pounds I used a soft muzzle and just dremeled him on my lap. He was perfectly quiet with the muzzle. I eventually stopped using it and he's still fine with nail care. OTOH, one of our Border Collies will not allow me to do her nails, but since she'd happily walk through fire for my husband, I just have him hold her leash and I quickly clip her nails without incident. Good luck with Katie! Amy
  8. Not visible to non-members of the Facebook group - if it's a YouTube, can you please post the direct link? Thanks!
  9. Handsome fella, and so lucky for you, him and Mouche! Keep us posted! Amy
  10. I've loved reading about your journey with Dan since the beginning, with Megan and Celt along the way. I'll never get over how extraordinary it is to work together with another couple of species to accomplish a very difficult task, and the bonds created from that are transcendentant. Thanks for sharing Dan's wonderful long life with us, and I know you will treasure your multitude of memories. Hugs! <3 Amy
  11. Oh my goodness, the poor little guy. I hope Animal Rescue found him his way home <3
  12. amc

    My Digger Dog

    Thanks for this lovely tribute to Digger, D'Elle, and I'm sorry for your loss of an exceptional friend. I'm glad you shared with us, and I'm glad you are also at peace with his passing. Amy
  13. Gorgeous Finn! Are you working him on sheep? Happy New Year, to all on the Boards! Amy
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