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  1. Hello all well it's been a month and here is bailey having a very small seizer. It's been exactly a moth and I told my husband to watch for it and she had one today. Is this just considered a very small one? Let me know.
  2. Can come of you guys help me out and let me know what flea and heartworm meds you guys use on your border collies. Meeting with my vet this wednesday to see what we should start bailey on. I know there is sentinel out there, but incase they dont carry that what are other good ones?
  3. Your story was very helpful, and I feel i am the bigger worry wart over this whole matter. I just keep picturing her dieing there in my arms and its super hard to deal with. But like you said I have to keep a record of how frequent she has them and for all i know she might never have them again. Im also taking her all trifexis because that might be aggrivating it too. thanks so much
  4. wow thanks guys for all the advise. I have taken bailey in for some blood work, and sadly she they found out her plat lets were low and she had limes. She just took her last pill for that and hopefully everything is back to working order. I will be asking my vet for a better flea med just to be sure that trifexis isnt what is causing this or contributing. my vet also said the to write down when she has them, how long, how many per month and we can go from there, basically what all you guys were stating. They are not grand by any means and I think i worry more then she does. The vet said pheno is to harsh for what she has right now so in case it happens again we have valium on hand to inject her with to help release.
  5. Hello to all! We just adopted our beautiful border collie, Bailey in June. She was a owner surrender at our local shelter and we tried fostering her for a while but that didn't last, LOL. Since then she has had 2 seizures. Are border collies for prone to getting them then other breeds because my other dogs have never had one. She is around 5 years old, do you think that plays a part in it? Or the flea and heart worm meds we give her, which is trifexis. Does anyone have any clues on what is promoting this because it is so not a fun experience.
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