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Everything posted by highway61

  1. Great advice but instead of 10 minutes I'd make it ten hours later. Unless he is actually suffering from a health issue that is the cause of him not eating, he'll be plenty hungery after that. Does he respond to treats and if so, is he getting treating between meals?
  2. If you have a dropbox or you use a photo hosting service such as photobucket you can just put the link of the photo in the body of the message here. If you use the attach button but the pic is too large, downsize it with irfanview or some other freeware s/w.
  3. Although I do buy them on occasion (my boys luv 'um!), I still find it hard to believe they are what they are FWIW; I've been giving these two frozen beef rib bones once a week for most of their lives. No issues (so far) and the heeler mix is 14 now. I buy the beef ribs (w/ plenty of meat) cheap, cut them up and freeze. When I feed them, it's in place of what they normally would've had that night which is kibble.
  4. Is this your only dog? I have two who gobble up their two meals a day with a healthy vigor. They *never* pass up food but I think if one of them wasn't feeling like they didn't want to finish that they would just so the other dog won't get any extra! Both dogs are at optimum weight but my Mom and wife don't buy it and are often harrassing me to feed them more. Don't succum to peer pressure and good luck!
  5. The $1500 is on the steep side (for non-working bred BCs) but is the non-breeding status standard practice? The purchase price of my pups is $1500, no matter sex, color or litter. All pups will be registered on a non-breeding status unless otherwise discussed and approved by myself.
  6. I was afraid to open this thread just by the subject. I never met Donald but enjoyed bantering and reading about his experiences and wisdom he continuously shared here. RIP Donald, you were a gift to so many here and abroad. ETA: I just purchased An America Homeplace, thanks for suggesting that, Julie. https://www.amazon.com/American-Homeplace-Virginia-Bookshelf/dp/0813917751/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
  7. "All done" works amazingly well for us. But only if I have control of the ball will he turn focus off it and become obedient. I struggle with "last one" as it seems to translate to my dog that he better keep that ball as he's not/never ready to quit fetch. One time he and I were about 10' away from the ball on opposite ends. As I walked up just a couple feet from the ball I made the mistake of giving "all done" and he swoopes in and gets the ball before I can. He keeps me on my toes.
  8. It doesn't have omegas or vitamin E but I just picked up two of these at Costco and save $20
  9. FWIW; electrocution is always defined by fatality. No one survives when they are electrocuted. So no, e-collars will NOT electrocute your dog.
  10. Yes, this is my world as well! I use this tactic on our daily walks with great results. I get my boy in a sit and with proper distance, we're good. My challenge is to stay in front of his triggers (I know them all by now) and keep him from going over threshhold. I chuckle if someone asks if they can walk Sammy. I feel like telling them "sure, but I need to certify you first" Other than his usual triggers which he seems to have little or no self control, he's very smart, polite and managible.
  11. I think the euthanize advice is a bit premature, you fully owned that you should've had him muzzled but didn't. And that it taught you a lesson you're not likely to ever forget. And a note on corners, for reactive dogs and their owners they can be scary! Particularly corners at busy intersections where any view of where the sidewalks meet are obscured by a large shrub, tree, brick walls, etc... Be on high alert, even with the muzzle on approach them with caution. I can see what happened to you with myself and my own reactive dog; loud car noises and visual distraction from their movement and turning a blind spot corner where my dog and the pedestrian on the other sidewalk meet = recipe for disaster! From one reactive owner to another, stay with it and I wish your Dallas the best.
  12. So Wellington is not only a split face but walleyed too, I see you have your hands full! From your video, he's reacting the same way mine will if say, he hears barking outside. When I'm home, I quickly stifle it with re-direction using toys that are placed in the usual places in the house. Outside the home I use treats. Amazing how quick and easy his attention is diverted to the toys (or food, whatever is handy). It's no permanent fix but it's how I manage.
  13. I'd say you answered your own question I'm no trainer or behaviorist so I can only speak to my own experience. I will agree that any punitive training technique on a reactive dog like my Sammy would be deterimental. Prong collars have their place, just not with the more intelligent, soft, sensitive breeds. I'd say you're on the right track with the "watch" technique that works for leash reactive dogs like my own (see Patricia McConnell's Fiesty Fido). But you kinda loose me with the temper tamtrums you see your pup using to get what you say he wants. My reactive dog has his triggers but is very well mannered and poilte around me. He's also not a pup.
  14. Good call going with a better trainer. I have a 5yr old pet BC that I've had since 8 weeks and he's a great dog that is pretty reactive. He also lacks confidence. I maintain it as best I can, for instance on walks, he get's so nervious/fearful when just seeing another dog near us that I have to use treats to keep him in check (along with some common sense on my part). People, bikers, joggers are never a problem but throw in skateboards, scooters and big, bouncy balls and he goes defcon 1. And I too have come to the conclusion that maybe gentically...he's just not wired right in regard to his reactivity.
  15. If the whistle doesn't work out, throw one of these in your pocket or pack
  16. Fixed it. For those countering violence with violence on their puppies, I'm interested in hearing the positive effects. Those who recommend kicking their dog on leash when they won't stop pulling or react out of fear obviously haven't any experience with reactive dogs.
  17. I've seen enough. Domesticated Pet Stock? http://www.bordercollierescue.org/advice/bcr_leaflets/adviceon.html DO NOT get a young puppy from a farm. Farm bred puppies are obviously from working parents (and bloodlines) and not from domesticated pet stock. On a farm puppies tend to be isolated from social interactions and grow up poorly socialised and domestically inexperienced..
  18. They do? My BC has an "off switch" but I'm the only one who will engage it.
  19. This. If my puppy stank and I was feeding it smelly bait, I would start there No doubt sardines are rich in vitamins/minerals and your pup loves them but I would discontinue them and see if the odor gradually gets better.
  20. CaptJack, you have crystalized my own thoughts eloquently! If you watch the video, the news team investigating also speaks with the owner of Ahimsa (Winona is awesome!) who I've taken my own reactive BC to for classes. It's a nice glimpse into what the very worst and best examples of dog training looks like. Any self respecting dog owner who turns their dog over to Academy of Canine Behavior should have their head examined. Strictly amateur hour
  21. Apparently my state has pretty weak animal cruelty laws. https://www.seattledogspot.com/academy-canine-behavior-abuses-dogs/ "This is one reason why, in my experience, some animal control agencies won’t prosecute animal abuse; they don’t want to spend the time and money on a case they don’t think they can win."
  22. Warning: Although its a plastic bat, it's still hard to watch this poor dog get abused with it. https://q13fox.com/2018/07/26/dog-trainer-video-sparks-outrage-owner-of-facility-insists-action-has-been-taken-animals-are-safe/ "We dont have an all clicky approach" The owner is so intellectually deficient that I'm surprised she wasn't wearing her red MAGA hat for this interview.
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