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Aspirin - my dog ate at least 20 pills tonight !!!!!!

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I got home this evening and found an open bottle of aspirin well chewed up with only 2 pills inside and one on the floor.

I thought I'd go insane! Apparently my mom took one aspirin and left the bottle (closed) on the coffee table, even though I reminded her this morning before I left to work to NOT TO LEAVE ANY DRUGS anywhere where Ouzo can reach. (she was reorganizing my medicine cabinet - guess I was lucky the only thing left out was aspirin !!!)


He's acting perfectly normal, I gave him milk, a hot-dog, bunches of dog biscuits, has great appetite, no diminished energy, plays non-stop with all his toys, doesn't seem to have any heartburns....

The problem is I don't know how many pills the idiot ate. He was alone in the house for about 4 hours. I suspect the "deed" happened soon after he found himself "Home Alone". I feel so bad about it... From what my mom and my husband said, the bottle had at least 20-30 pills left...

Chris just took him outside and he went just like always - no vomiting, no nothing. If I wouldn't have found the empty aspirin bottle on the floor, I would never have known what he did.

Aspirin can cause high acidity in the stomach, that is why I fed him everything handy as soon as I saw what happened.

I just pray he's going to be ok. I will watch him tonight and if I see anything wierd, to the vet he's going....


Anyone else has had similar experiences?!

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I'm fairly sure that your dog is in danger of worse than a tummy ache. I'd advise you to give the pet poison hotline a ring. (888) 426-4435 They may ask for a credit card but if you don't have one and since the case is fairly simple but urgent, they will probably waive the fee.


An overdose of aspirin may cause depression, decreased appetite, vomiting, fever, and rapid breathing. If untreated, signs could progress to weakness, unsteady gait, edema of the lungs and brain, seizures, and death.
from "The Pill Book Guide to Medication for Your Dog and Cat" Kate A.W. Roby, V.M.D. & Lenny Southam, D.V.M.


Please don't delay.

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Here is another hotline - (888) 4-Ani-Help (264-4357) but everything I am finding online indicates that aspirin at that level is very toxic. I would personally be on the phone to the poison control WHILE driving to the emergency clinic. . .


Good luck and keep us updated!

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Poisoned! According to this good article from workingdogs.com, the Georgia Animal Poison Information Center documented 240 cases of NSAID toxicosis over a 19 month period (1989-1990), and the NSAIDs involved were ibuprofen, acetaminophen, aspirin and indomethacin.


The article suggests that an excellent way to think of poisoning in dogs is to relate it to poisoning in children. Following that logic, I'd say an emergency run to the vet would certainly be in order---if a child swallowed 20-30 aspirin, I'd toss that kid in the car and head for the E.R. PDQ. I imagine Anda is at the emergency clinic right now---I hope Ouzo is OK!

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Anda, my understanding is it takes a while for NSAID's poisoning to show up. And dogs are so darn good at hiding if they don't feel well.


Like the others, I'd get him into the emergency vet. Don't want to scare you, but if he did eat that many aspirin, tomorrow morning could be too late. The damage to his liver and kidneys would already be well on it's way.


Take him in.


Ruth n the BC3

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prayers, best wishes, (((hugs))) and all other forms of comfort and well wishes coming your way!


Hope everthing turns out OK - update us as soon as you can. Good luck, and get better soon Ouzo!

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2 AM update. Just came back from the emergency clinic. He's ok, but they gave him charcoil and bunches of other stuff. Realy tired. Need to wake up at 4 AM to give him his meds, and then at 7 AM to take him back for another dose of a drug (can't think now). Tomorrow will be taking him to our regular vet

Stats were ok, temp 103 (high end of normal), crazy as usual, did blood work, will find results tomorrow, most likely ok.

They called ASPCA Poison control (on my bill...)

Whole thing $575.

Good night now. Thanks for the good thoughts and prayers. Keep'em comming. They said next 3-5 days are critical.

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This happened to us a couple of years ago. My Maggie opened my purse and got out a bottle of aspirin and ate way more than 20. Since there were a few other dogs downstairs with her, I wasn't sure who was the culprit and within an hour, Maggie began to vomit. I took her to the emergency clinic where they gave her charcoal and she was on IV's for two days. The fear was kidney shut down, but it's now two years after the fact and she is fine.


I wish you and Ouzo the best. I'll be looking for your updates.

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Oh, one thing I have to add, I never leave anything within reach of the dogs, especially with border collies, but I never expected even the border collies to go through the effort to reach my purse which was on top of the dining room table, bring it down to the floor, unzip my purse and get out only the bottle of aspirin. Even if she had gotten out my wallet and chewed up the bills in there, it still would have been cheaper than the emergency visit.


Since then I put my purse up high where they can't even see it.

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At 4 AM he vomited the activated charcoal. Other than this incident, no events in the short 4 hours we got to sleep. He's ok this morning. We're taking him at 7 AM *in 30 mins* back to the vet for the second dose of activated charcoil.

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I feel so bad for you guys! But man they can get into the oddest things. Not to long ago, I had to take Jenna to the vet because she burned the inside of her mouth from chewing on a battery.

I know it probably isnt a nice thing to ask. . .but maybe she'll offer. Since your mom left the asprin out, is she going to help cover some of the expense?

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