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Crepitus in hock


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Over the last few weeks I've thought Dale's movement didn't look quite right. He wasn't limping just looked a bit uneven at times. Well this morning we met a young spaniel and the two dogs chased for a few minutes and on we went. Shortly afterwards Dale def. limped. So off to the vets.

The vet says he could feel 'crepitus' in the hock, a little on the right and more on the left. He says to leave it for a few months in the hope that it will sort itself out as he grows. Dale's just 8 months now. I've been careful not to overexercise him and he was fine til a few weeks ago so I'm hoping for the best but feeling a bit anxious.

Has anyone else experienced this? Apart from making sure he doesn't jump about or do too much is there anything else I could do? Joint supplements perhaps? :rolleyes:

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My broken record responce....

Please get him checked for TBD's. My young male had 2 but was diag. with anything but that. pano, broken but healing leg, bad hips (without exray at that time) parasite infestation, so on and so on. Anytime I have a dog that doesn't seem right, like on, off limping or not looking quite right I have a tick panal run.


Good luck


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I thought crepitis was that funny air bubbly thing, the skin crackles, kind of. I thought if that was present there had to be an open wound sucking air.


Obviously, I am no help to you, but will be watching. I hope you get some helpful responses and that Dale is better soon.

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Crepitus is usually associated with broken bones or bone rubbing on bone. Is it possible he has a small fracture in the joint/growth plate line since he is so young still? I would find out what it is before I started supplementing or treating anything... ruling out any possible reasons for having crepitus then take action accordingly.


ETA: Chesney did have a clicking in his left front ankle when he was younger and its seemed to stop for the most part but it never really caused him any discomfort to the point of limping so its possible that his growing tendons are rolling over bone causing a grinding sensation/sound/feeling in his hocks... Either way if he is limping I would try to get to the bottom of it whether it be finding out that its just inflamed to the point of being uncomfortable or there is actually a joint problem that needs to be treated further.

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I've got very audible crepitus in my right knee, most likely from several dislocations. It's not painful at all, just funny to hear when I walk up stairs.


However, I'm in my 50's, not a young pup. If this were my young dog, I'd seriously consider an xray or at least a consult with an orthopedist.


Good luck, please let us know what you find out.


Ruth n the BC3

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I would definitely see an orthopaedic specialist. My 6 year old was just not moving right, not as freely, as usual. Took her to the ortho--he felt/heard crepitus in her shoulder. After X-rays, ultrasound, joint tap, 4 weeks of total lay off, then 2 weeks of swim therapy, she is back to work, and seems good as new. It was pricey, but money well spent, I think. Just my .2 cents (that's all I've got left) :rolleyes:


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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you all for the replies. We've been on holiday for the last three weeks so I've only just caught up. Poor Dale's had to spend almost all his time on lead so it wasn't quite the trip I'd planned. However the leg looks worse not better.


I've got another vet's appointment for tomorrow. This time with a vet I know better and I'm going to ask him to xray it ,if only to reassure me. Now I've read your comments I don't feel I'm making a fuss about nothing.

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Though hock is not knee, you might find this link worth a read:


Clicking/Popping Sounds in the Knee?


The above link is just from some guy with an agenda (which is: "many vets are too quick to recommend ACL surgery"), so take it with a grain of salt, but I still think it's useful. It does seem to match your original vet's advice.

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Well I'm glad I saw another vet. He couldn't feel any difference between the two legs but definitely thinks it needs to be investigated. Dale's going for an x-ray on Wednesday and if nothing shows up he'll be referred to an orthopedic specialist.

At least now I feel happier that something's being done.

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That's good to hear! Thru personal experience, our boys and our cat will only see their primary vet from now on. I use to think all vets in the same practice were good because they were all in the same group. I found out the hard way, they aren't. I hate it my cat had to have a second surgery but at least the 2nd one was free.


We'll keep our paws and fingers crossed for Dean.

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