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Can someone explain this odd behaviour?


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Hi all


Was wondering if someone may be able to shed some light on my pup's behaviour towards my older dog. The pup (9month old entire male) is a boistrous, full on boy, very confident with life, enthusiastic and basically a little bit cocky and thinks he is wonderful :). My 6 year old dog (non BC), tolerates his playful over the top behaviour and is often the instigator of play (when it suits her). They play quite roughly and the older girl is the noisey one. The pup has recently started "bunting" her (thats the best way I can think to describe it) i.e he pokes her strongly with his nose, into her neck. It usually starts out with usual play, but when the older girl gets a bit over it and stands there ignoring him, he trys to rark her up with this new bunting behaviour. Their is no aggression at all from either dog, but the pup certainly does it with speed and force. It is very quick, then he bounces back a stride, looks like he is waiting for a reaction, then does it again. He keeps doing it, getting stronger and stronger until she snaps at him (again no nasty aggression, just has had enough and tells him off with a bark or snap, no teeth involved). I have started putting a stop to this behaviour when I see it and he gets told "enough" very firmly. The behaviour then stops and he then starts licking her - eyes, inside her ears, ears etc.


Is anyone able to shed some light on what this means? Both the high speed/force nose "bunting" into her neck and then the licking after when I put a stop to it.



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Good answer Donald!

I've seen it as Donald says, seduction (we call that humpy ears) and I also see my younger girl do it to the older girl initiating play (without the ear set we call the humpy part). They have a game they play outside, it's a chase each other type thing. The younger one does it to the older one trying to engage her. sometimes the older one snaps or growls at the younger one if she's not feeling like playing that game but it's not really aggressive, just a means of communicating she isn't playing that game. Mine play together, they are rough and loud.

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Hes' just trying to get her attention and to entice her to play. Rather rudely, which is why the older gal's objecting when he doesn't take no for an answer. Her reactions are entirely appropriate and controlled.


The licking is appeasement and solicitation. In the wild, canid pups lick around adults' lips to get them to regurgitate food, and the rest is more or less attention seeking.


All of it's perfectly normal as long as it doesn't get out of hand. And as long as the older dog's corrections remain appropriate, she'll probably be better at getting results than you will. ;O) She may have to escalate if he doesn't take no for an answer, but she obviously knows what she's doing and I highly doubt she'd do him any harm.

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Birdie does the ear licking part to her mom. None of my other dogs have ever done it. And Birdie does it only with Lark. I just assumed it was attention-seeking or acknowledment of "you're my mom." Lark does play with Birdie, but initiation usually occurs with Birdie grabbing at Lark's neck and doing her play growl.



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